Luku 1.6 (Biology, Grade 7)

Revision tasks and tests for students

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Tämän oppikirjan käyttämiseen tarvitset voimassa olevan paketin „Erakasutaja”, „Erakasutaja kasutuslitsents õpikeskkonnas Opiq”, „Klassipakett 2024/25”, „Õpetaja 2022/23”, „Õpetaja 2023/24”, „Õpetaja 2023/24 – isiklik”, „Õpilane 2022/23”, „Õpilane 2023/24”, „Õpilane 2023/24 – isiklik”, „Õpilane 2023/24 - SOODUSHIND!”, „Õpilane 2024/25”, „Õpilane 2024/25 – isiklik” tai „Õpilane 2024/25 - SOODUSHIND!” lisenssin. Pakettiin tutustumiseen ja lisenssin tilaamiseen klikkaa paketin linkkiin.

Jos sinulla on voimassa oleva lisenssi, kirjaudu sisään luvun katsomista varten.

Luvun alateemat:

  1. Revision tasks and tests for students
  2. 1.What do scientists do, and what do technologists do? Select in the dropdowns below which of the two would ask the following questions.
  3. 2.Write the branches of biology that match the research objects.
  4. 3. Arrange the steps of this scientific research method in the right order.
  5. 4. Read the text and complete the task.
  6. 5. Write the missing characteristic of life. Choose the characteristics that match the descriptions.
  7. 6. Choose which organisms are described in each line: fungi (F), plants (P), or animals (A).
  8. 7. Choose which organisms are described in each line: bacteria (B), protozoa (P), or animals (A).
  9. 8. How do scientists divide organisms into systematic units? Fill in the blanks.
  10. 9. Choose the names that indicate species.